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██▌┆ Name┆ Alyxx Korynne Rokuna

██▌┆ Age ┆ Eighteen - ish

██▌┆ Gender┆ Male

██▌┆Height┆ Five Foot Nine

██▌┆Race ┆ Inumimi

██▌┆Sexuality ┆ You know, I think Alyxx is heterosexual. He's just so secretive you never know ...

██▌┆Birthday┆ April Twenty -Second

██▌┆Occupation┆ Guard Dog in Training

██▌┆ Home┆ He has no home , give him one


██▌┆ Personality┆The best way to describe Alyxx is laidback. The man usually doesnt panic or stress over things. He can often be described as lazy, but he doesnt act unless its necessary. However, he is a guard dog so his tough job can make him a bit cranky. Plus , the number one no no is to wake him from a nap. Thatll make him cranky for hours. He's very loyal, and can be a bit protective. but he's the type of guy thats like. "Me? Protecting you? Its just my job, okay?" When, its not his job since hes just in training. I guess you can say he's a bit of a tsundere because he acts as if he does not care.. His dog side does happen to kick. If he deems you as his 'master' then he will obey rules without question. He follows the rules no matter what. Though, there is a downside to his dog side. HE growls and barks when he's extremely upset.


██▌┆ Biography┆Alyxx does not have a mother. It's a strange instance where he was stuck to be raised by his father instead of his mother. His father was also a guard dog, so he is just following in his foot steps.

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